About Us
Changing the way the world ages.
We offer a person-centred approach to keep seniors safe and sound at home, instead of anywhere else.
Who We Are
About Us
Living Waters healthcare Services Limited has years of experience in the caring profession and is an independently owned Domicilliary Care Company aiming to provide high quality personal care and support to clients living in their own homes in the community.

We recognise that among the young adults and adults with illness, disabilities or physical frailty there is a growing desire and increasing need to receive a dignified care at home or whenever home.
We envision a home care revolution, where Living Waters Healthcare will lead the provision of quality service in home care with personalizing care tailored for each service user.
Our Values
We will conduct our services in a consistent and professional manner in keeping with the contracts we have entered, honouring the promises we have made and delivering above what is expected with real love and care.
Ensure all stakeholders are given means to have their voice heard and valued in the decision making process. We will listen to each other effectively.
We will get involved in our communities
We will get in an ethical, moral and responsible manner in all our business transactions.
The safety of our service users and carers is of paramount concern; we will ensure a safe working environment.